இந்தியன் ஆமியும், விடுதலைப்புலிகளும் - IPKF vs LTTE

Nanni Chozhan
Nanni Chozhan
22 Apr 2021

⁣Tamil Tigers offering fierce resistance to Indian troops in the Jaffna Peninsula; SRI LANKA: Jaffna Peninsular Command Centre: INT CMS Tamil Tiger speaking into walki talki PULL OUT others seated & standing by desk holding weapons CS Suicide cyanide capsule TILT UP around Tiger's neck CMS Hand holding automatic weapon PAN L-R weapon across knee EXT CS Barrel of automatic weapon TILT UP 2 women holding weapons CMS Woman's face TILT DOWN hand grenades strapped around her waist Mesali / Jaipur (phon) Junction: MS Remains of Indian army camp beneath trees (where Tamils killed 30 soldiers) PAN L-R TCMS 'L' shaped trench dug in ground CMS SIDE cab of ambushed lorry MS Banner 'Recognise the Tamil Eelam Freedom Struggle' strung across street PULL OUT SIDE statue Tamil martyr hung with garlands L/A Red banner with Tiger emblem hung across GV Local inhabitants on bicycles and walking in street (during 24 hour curfew) Clinic: TMS Injured civilian woman lying in bed PAN R-L another in bed CS Woman's face CMS Injured man sitting on bed CMS DR INDIRA RAJAH interview SOF - (Had to leave his house as it was too dangerous to stay) "For safety -- fire blindly" Street: CMS Refugee women inhabitants seated on bicycle driven trailer L-R up street TCMS Battered suitcase and bundles of possessions stacked in gutter TILT UP mothers and children sitting on pavement MS Queue people waiting for bread PAN L-R MS (dark shot) people waiting at counter for food Tiger Checkpoint: MS Tamil Tiger seated on chair holding weapon as another past R-L in BV holding 2 way radio GV Patrol towards up street MS Hamill talking to Tamil with radio (asking when it will be safe to move) G/AIR Heli overhead R-L MS Narrow muddy winding lane (shot from moving vehicle) TRACK AWAY MS Tiger patrol away up road ZOOM IN damaged roof of building (battle took place here) MS Rubble from collapsed building PAN L-R MS Elderly man looking ou...

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