english version of 'moziyaaki engkal'

Nanni Chozhan
Nanni Chozhan
25 Apr 2021

⁣An oath upon Tamil, the language we breathe;
An oath upon our guide, the creator of our history; our leader
An oath upon those reposing warriors, that closed their eyes here
We will not live downtrodden,
We will not retire from the struggle for Eelam,
we swear.
To those sandalwood caskets who embraced death, dreaming of the motherland;
Can you hear our humming cries here?
You who live on in the trenches!
Your parents, your friends, your kith and kin
We have come!
Your comrades who battled beside you
on those red fields,
We have come!
Oh please! Oh where?
Open your eyes just this one time, here.
Just show your revered faces once, then return to your slumber.
We come to your gates, give us strength we pray
We lay our hands on your tombstones and make this promise
Even when death comes, when fire burns, our blood will not sleep
Our thirst will not be quenched until we have our homeland
In your last moments, your mouths uttered those words... Tamil Eelam
For which we will stand together and make haste to attain;
In our leaders path
the Tamil nation will see independence,
And we will endure any plight to win in your honour

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Suthakar 4 years ago

வீரவணக்கம் என்றும் நாம் மாறவோம் ஐம் மாவீர்ரை

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