28-10-2008 |களனிதிஸ்ஸ மின் நிலையத்தின் மீது வான்புலிகளின் குண்டுதாரி வானூர்தி 2 குண்டுகளை வீசுகிறது

Nanni Chozhan
Nanni Chozhan
11 May 2022

⁣Sky Tigers' (Tamileelam Air Force) Improvised Zlin Z143 Bomber dropped 2 aerial bombs on Kelanitissa Power Station at 23:30 PM.

Chinese built ⁣SLAF's F-7 interceptor tries to shoot down TAF's bomber: @5:22 & 5:39

TAF drops 2 aerial bombs: @7:53
Their blast flash can be seen: @8:00

⁣One of the main reasons for the killing of Lasantha Wikramathunga was that he had put this news in his newspaper. Lasantha got this video from an SL Navy officer who recorded it on their Colombo harbour ⁣RADAR.

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